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  • 《四海升平·财玺》市场价值如何?
  • 《四海升平·财玺》市场价值如何?
  • 价格:28万元
  • 新旧程度:9成新
  • 来源:个人
  • 地址:大兴 西红门
    • 联系人:王**
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2015年11月16日,习近平在土耳其举行的G20峰会上宣布2016年中国杭州二十国集团领导人第十一次峰会主题确定为“构建创新、活力、联动、包容的世界经济”。中国作为2016年G20轮值主席国,并于2016年2月,在上海召开了二十国集团成员国财长和央行行长第一次重大会议,7月23日至24日在成都召开了G20财长和央行行长第三次重大会议。并将于2016年9月4日-5日G20第十一次领导人峰会将在杭州举行。On November 16, 2015, Xi Jinping announced at the G20 Summit in Turkey that the theme of the 11th Summit of the leaders of the Group of 20 in Hangzhou, China, in 2016 was "Building an Innovative, Vigorous, Linkage and Inclusive World Economy". As the chairman of the G20 in 2016, China held the first major meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 member countries in Shanghai in February 2016, and the third major meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 was held in Chengdu from July 23 to 24. The 11th G20 Summit of Leaders will be held in Hangzhou from September 4 to 5, 2016.

为庆祝这一系列举世瞩目的国际盛会,北京工美集团旗下北京工美文化艺术股份有限公司特别设计、制作了《四海升平·财玺》系列,作为本次盛事的珍藏纪念品赠送给部分成员国代表。In order to celebrate this series of world-renowned international events, Beijing Gongmei Culture and Art Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Beijing Gongmei Group, specially designed and produced a series of "Four Seas Shengping Financial Seals", which was presented as a treasure souvenir for this event to representatives of some member countries

 《四海升平·财玺》系列是北京工美近年来少有的大制作,是首方宫廷传统花丝镶嵌、玉雕、錾刻工艺结合的玉玺,将历年国礼工艺集于一身。玺重1.743公斤,采用和田玉雕刻而成,以《雍正御笔之宝》为原型,九条龙盘踞瓦上,寓意九龙踞瓦,四海升平”。玺基将和田玉与花丝镶嵌完美结合,以传统工艺美术形式表现G20峰会主题元素,并将具有中国传统古典韵味海水纹融合其中,寓意四海升平,金玉满堂。玺印篆刻八个“财”字,即八方来财之意。既表现了G20峰会的主题,又体现了中方对G20峰会寄予的祥和祝愿,以及对世界经济“四海升平”的美好愿景。"Four Seas Shengping Caixi" series is a rare large-scale production of Beijing Gongmei in recent years. It is a combination of traditional filament inlay, jade carving and carving techniques of the first court. It integrates the national ritual crafts of past years. The seals weigh 1.743 kilograms and are carved from Hotan Jade. They are based on the prototype of Yongzheng Imperial Pen Treasure. Nine dragons are wrapped on the tiles, implying "Nine dragons are wrapped on the tiles, and the four seas are elevated to the level". Xiji combines Hetian Jade with filament mosaic perfectly, expresses the theme elements of G20 Summit in the form of traditional arts and crafts, and integrates the seawater pattern with traditional Chinese flavor, which implies that the four seas are rising and the gold and jade are full. Seal seal engraving eight words of "wealth", that is, the meaning of eight parties to the wealth. It not only embodies the theme of the G20 Summit, but also embodies China's wishes for peace and harmony to the G20 Summit, as well as its beautiful vision of world economic "peace in all seas".

由北京工美当代大师艺术品交易中心总设计师陈鹏设计,三位工艺美术大师田健桥、曾建中、金子燕大师亲力打造,集全部力量和最高工艺于一身。超值价格,预留巨大升值空间。创造中国工艺美术巅峰价值!三位大师联袂打造,中国收藏史上首方宫廷传统花丝镶嵌、玉雕、錾刻工艺结合的玉玺,美轮美奂,堪称艺术珍品,其未来价值极为看好。Designed by Chen Peng, Chief Designer of Beijing Art Trade Center of Contemporary Masters of Arts and Crafts, three masters of Arts and crafts, Tian Jianqiao, Zeng Jianzhong and Jinziyan, have personally built it with all their strength and the highest craftsmanship. Excess price, reserve huge room for appreciation. Create the peak value of Chinese arts and crafts! Created by three masters, the jade seal, which combines the traditional filament inlay, jade carving and carving techniques of the first court in the history of Chinese collection, is a beautiful work of art. Its future value is very promising.












