    发布时间:2019-05-28 15:49:31 90次浏览 来源:2018信息港 发布人:王**
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  • 咸丰重宝當十市场价值如何?
  • 咸丰重宝當十市场价值如何?
  • 价格:80万元
  • 新旧程度:9成新
  • 来源:个人
  • 地址:大兴 西红门
    • 联系人:王**
    • 电话:
      • 2018信息港提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
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咸丰年间发行了一系列的钱币,以此来维护经济的发展。当五十以下的钱币是咸丰重宝,当五十以上的就是咸丰元宝,小平钱是咸丰通宝。它们的名称不同,代表的面值以及版别也是不同的。在各种咸丰钱币中,当十钱的记值极低,也是铸造时间最早流通范围最广的一个版别。During the period of Xianfeng, a series of coins were issued to safeguard the economic development. When less than 50 coins are Xianfeng Treasure, when more than 50 coins are Xianfeng Treasure, small flat coins are Xianfeng Tongbao. They have different names, denominations and editions. Among all kinds of Xianfeng coins, when ten coins have very low value, they are also the earliest and most widely circulated edition of the coins.

咸丰重宝正面铸有楷书咸丰重宝”从上而下而右而左直读;钱背上下写有汉文“当十”二字,左右用满文写有钱局的名称。此咸丰重宝版本比较高档,字迹深俊,铜质精良,铸工精细,字体清晰端庄,笔画圆润工整,中间穿正方形孔,在日光的照射下更散发出熠熠光辉。整币纹脉清晰,网格完整。On the front of Xianfeng Chongbao, the regular script "Xianfeng Chongbao" is cast, which is read directly from top to bottom, right to left; on the back of Qian, the Chinese word "Dang Shi" is written, and on the left and right, the name of the Wealth Bureau is written in Manchu. This version of Xianfeng Chongbao is relatively high-grade, with deep handwriting, fine copper, fine foundry, clear and dignified font, smooth and neat strokes, square holes in the middle, and shining in the sunlight. The whole currency has clear veins and complete grids.

对古钱币非常了解的朋友都知道,咸丰钱币虽然不是中国最早的铸币,但咸丰重宝当十至今仍被喻为钱币之首,它的铸期最长、数量最多、版式最丰富、流通度最广。黄铜质的原料,加上精良优美的外形,雕刻细腻的工笔,铜光闪闪的大字,古生古韵的包浆,就连细节处都是精雕细琢、几乎完美,实为艺术品市场中千年不遇的第一珍藏货币。Friends who know a lot about ancient coins know that although Xianfeng coin is not the earliest coin in China, Xianfeng Chongbao Ten is still regarded as the first coin. It has the longest casting period, the largest number, the richest format and the widest circulation. The raw materials of brass, together with exquisite and beautiful appearance, exquisite craftsmanship, glittering characters and ancient rhyme, are exquisitely carved and almost perfect in detail, which is the first treasure currency in the art market that has never been seen in a thousand years.










