    发布时间:2019-05-27 17:23:45 117次浏览 来源:2018信息港 发布人:王**
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  • 和田玉双耳带环扁瓶市场价值如何?
  • 和田玉双耳带环扁瓶市场价值如何?
  • 价格:100万元
  • 来源:个人
  • 地址:大兴 西红门
    • 联系人:王**
    • 电话:
      • 2018信息港提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
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    和田玉是作为中国四大名玉之首,随着对传统文化的传承和玉文化的普及,今后喜欢和田玉的爱玉人将越来越多。和田原料的稀缺已经是众人皆知了,而精品作品更是少之又少。和田玉市场价格上涨已经持续了三十年,虽然如今价格趋于稳定,但是优质的和田玉精品依旧是众多藏家的心头好。所以在精品和田依旧有着可观的上升空间。改革开放以来,市场经济活跃,从搞活经济到升官发财,讲的是请客送礼,把玉作为礼品来送,搞活了和田玉市场,但搞坏了社会风气。十八大以来,中央八项规定的出台和反腐倡廉力度加大,不送礼也能办成事。如今,很多人买和田玉一般是当做收藏品来投资,用于保值增值。Hetian Jade is the top four famous jade in China. With the inheritance of traditional culture and the popularization of jade culture, more and more people like Hetian Jade in the future. The scarcity of raw materials in Hotan is well known, and the number of fine works is even less. Hetian Jade market price has been rising for 30 years. Although the price has stabilized, the quality of Hetian Jade is still the hobby of many collectors. So there is still considerable room for improvement in Hotan. Since the reform and opening up, the market economy has been active, from invigorating the economy to making a fortune through promotion. It is about inviting guests to give gifts and sending jade as gifts. It has enlivened the Hetian jade market, but it has damaged the social atmosphere. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC, the promulgation of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee and efforts to combat corruption and promote honesty have been intensified, so that things can be accomplished without giving gifts. Nowadays, many people buy Hetian Jade as a collection to invest in preservation and appreciation.

    和田玉以其温润质感而闻名,其白、糖白或青白中透出一抹抹油亮,正是这抹油性征服了一代代文人墨客为之神往。观现下各大拍卖会场,玉器展厅中,观赏者总是络绎不绝,希望从众多宝贝中寻得心中至宝,或珍藏于室、或流传后代。 今天介绍的这款和田玉双耳带环扁瓶,外观非常精美,玉质温润细腻,色泽纯正通体莹润无瑕,包浆润泽,整体工艺考究精细此扁瓶高20厘米,宽7公分,链长19厘米,大器小做。观历年来各大拍卖会玉器扁壶的相关记载发现,2005年北京翰海拍卖有限公司畅月拍卖会的《古今堂》玉器专场中,一件高11cm的玉扁瓶 曾以770元的低价成交。而时值2012年,保利香港2012首届拍卖会中国古董珍玩专场中的一件御制白玉松鹤延年扁瓶 却拍出了7,229,820元的天价。随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,其对于古玩等艺术品的追求与收藏爱好的培养日新月异。想必面对货币贬值、通货膨胀的经济现状,作为艺术品爱好者的您一定会想到购买一两件佳品收藏,一来保值增值,二来欣赏把玩。此扁瓶正合您心意,收藏价值极高!Hetian Jade is the top four famous jade in China. With the inheritance of traditional culture and the popularization of jade culture, more and more people like Hetian Jade in the future. The scarcity of raw materials in Hotan is well known, and the number of fine works is even less. Hetian Jade market price has been rising for 30 years. Although the price has stabilized, the quality of Hetian Jade is still the hobby of many collectors. So there is still considerable room for improvement in Hotan. Since the reform and opening up, the market economy has been active, from invigorating the economy to making a fortune through promotion. It is about inviting guests to give gifts and sending jade as gifts. It has enlivened the Hetian jade market, but it has damaged the social atmosphere. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC, the promulgation of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee and efforts to combat corruption and promote honesty have been intensified, so that things can be accomplished without giving gifts. Nowadays, many people buy Hetian Jade as a collection to invest in preservation and appreciation.










