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  • 伟人陈云真迹:思想与艺术的瑰宝,价格将呈几何极暴长
  • 伟人陈云真迹:思想与艺术的瑰宝,价格将呈几何极暴长
  • 价格:300万元
  • 新旧程度:9成新
  • 来源:个人
  • 地址:大兴 西红门
    • 联系人:王**
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陈云(1905.06.13-1995.04.10)伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家,书法家,杰出的马克思主义者,中国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人,党和国家久经考验的卓越领导人,是中共第一代、第二代核心领导成员,即以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代中央领导集体和以邓小平同志为核心的党的第二代中央领导集体的重要成员,著有《陈云文选》第一、二、三卷。陈云和毛泽东、邓小平等领导中国人民站起来、富起来、强起来,极具国际影响力。中国人民永远怀念陈云!中共党史永远铭记陈云!举世瞩目的中共十九大开幕式上,中共中央总书记习近平率全体代表与中外记者起立,向毛泽东、邓小平、陈云致敬默哀!(读者可网上搜看中共十九大开幕式首节视频,可见陈云在中国乃至世界的巨大影响!)! In the late Qing Dynasty, the invasion of foreign powers led to the devaluation of currency and the emergence of new coins. In addition, Fujian adjacent to Guangdong, affected by it, became one of the earliest provinces in China to cast copper yuan. Fujian Copper Monetary Bureau was founded in Guangxu 26 years (1900). By the 31st year of Guangxu, it had three factories, one for the south, one for the West and one for the east. The Southern Bureau was the earliest to start, mainly casting five and twenty bronze yuan. In the Qing Dynasty, Fujian coins were made on a large scale. At that time, copper coins were made of purple copper with exquisite casting technology. The second money bureau is the Western Bureau, which started to issue copper yuan in Guangxu 31. This money Bureau has a feature that only ten copper yuan are cast and issued. The third money bureau is the Min Customs Copper Money Bureau, commonly known as the East Bureau. The Mint was established in Guangxu in 31 years. It also founds and issues ten copper yuan, but because of poor management, the money bureau did not cast copper yuan for a long time, and soon stopped casting.


陈云在上个世纪30年代初就担任党中央的领导工作,经历了中国共产党领导全国人民进行革命、建设、改革各个历史时期几乎所有重大事件,参与了党中央在不同历史时期一系列重大决策的制定和实施,多次在党和人民事业发展的关键时刻、在党和国家的重大决策中发挥了十分重要的作用。陈云为中国人民解放事业的开展和成功,为中国社会主义制度的建立和巩固,为中国改革开放和社会主义现代化事业的开创和发展,奉献了毕生精力,建立了不朽功勋,在国内外享有崇高威望,深受全党全军全国各族人民尊敬和爱戴。In the late Qing Dynasty, the invasion of foreign powers led to the devaluation of currency and the emergence of new coins. In addition, Fujian adjacent to Guangdong, affected by it, became one of the earliest provinces in China to cast copper yuan. Fujian Copper Monetary Bureau was founded in Guangxu 26 years (1900). By the 31st year of Guangxu, it had three factories, one for the south, one for the West and one for the east. The Southern Bureau was the earliest to start, mainly casting five and twenty bronze yuan. In the Qing Dynasty, Fujian coins were made on a large scale. At that time, copper coins were made of purple copper with exquisite casting technology. The second money bureau is the Western Bureau, which started to issue copper yuan in Guangxu 31. This money Bureau has a feature that only ten copper yuan are cast and issued. The third money bureau is the Min Customs Copper Money Bureau, commonly known as the East Bureau. The Mint was established in Guangxu in 31 years. It also founds and issues ten copper yuan, but because of poor management, the money bureau did not cast copper yuan for a long time, and soon stopped casting.

陈云手迹:这是陈云85岁时书写给夫人于若木的手迹,内容为“不唯上、不唯书、只唯实,交换、比较、反复”,现收藏于陈云纪念馆。“不唯上、不唯书、只唯实,交换、比较、反复”,是陈云的至理名言,最早提出于1937年,充满唯物辩证法,是陈云对马克思主义哲学和中共思想路线的重要贡献,开启和丰富了中共思想路线,也是陈云一生坚持真理的真实写照这个思想与写照将永远影响中国!n the late Qing Dynasty, the invasion of foreign powers led to the devaluation of currency and the emergence of new coins. In addition, Fujian adjacent to Guangdong, affected by it, became one of the earliest provinces in China to cast copper yuan. Fujian Copper Monetary Bureau was founded in Guangxu 26 years (1900). By the 31st year of Guangxu, it had three factories, one for the south, one for the West and one for the east. The Southern Bureau was the earliest to start, mainly casting five and twenty bronze yuan. In the Qing Dynasty, Fujian coins were made on a large scale. At that time, copper coins were made of purple copper with exquisite casting technology.

陈云自幼练习书法,一生勤学苦练,书法艺术成就极高。特别是80岁以来,每天上午总能看见他站立桌前,气定神闲、手腕悬空用毛笔练习大字,一直到90岁。陈云书法风格端庄朴实,雄健浑厚,苍劲老辣,凛然大度,气势宏伟,为世人景仰!该手迹长85厘米,宽34厘米,手迹保存完好。该手迹用笔老辣,意境古朴深邃,字里行间闪耀着真理与智慧的光芒!此藏品更是思想与艺术的瑰宝,珍品中的极品,升值空间巨大,值得抢着收藏!据专家预测,陈云书法价格将呈几何极暴长!In the late Qing Dynasty, the invasion of foreign powers led to the devaluation of currency and the emergence of new coins. In addition, Fujian adjacent to Guangdong, affected by it, became one of the earliest provinces in China to cast copper yuan. Fujian Copper Monetary Bureau was founded in Guangxu 26 years (1900). By the 31st year of Guangxu, it had three factories, one for the south, one for the West and one for the east. The Southern Bureau was the earliest to start, mainly casting five and twenty bronze yuan. In the Qing Dynasty, Fujian coins were made on a large scale. At that time, copper coins were made of purple copper with exquisite casting technology. The second money bureau is the Western Bureau, which started to issue copper yuan in Guangxu 31. This money Bureau has a feature that only ten copper yuan are cast and issued. The third money bureau is the Min Customs Copper Money Bureau, commonly known as the East Bureau. The Mint was established in Guangxu in 31 years. It also founds and issues ten copper yuan, but because of poor management, the money bureau did not cast copper yuan for a long time, and soon stopped casting.








