    发布时间:2019-05-22 16:06:16 150次浏览 来源:2018信息港 发布人:王**
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  • 大明成化年制款白釉立粉堆塑双凤纹夜光玉壶春瓶市场价值如何?
  • 大明成化年制款白釉立粉堆塑双凤纹夜光玉壶春瓶市场价值如何?
  • 价格:800万元
  • 新旧程度:9成新
  • 来源:个人
  • 地址:大兴 西红门
    • 联系人:王**
    • 电话:
      • 2018信息港提醒您:让你提前汇款,或者价格明显低于市价,均有骗子嫌疑,不要轻易相信。
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 玉壶春瓶又称玉壶赏瓶,是中国瓷器造型中的一种典型器形。流行地区广,沿用时间长,宋以后历代各地窑场均有烧制。它的造型是由唐代寺院里的净水瓶演变而来。基本造型是由左右两个对称的“S”形构成,线条优美柔和。基本形制为撇口、细颈、垂腹、圈足。它是一种以变化柔和的弧线为轮廓线的瓶类。其造型上的独特之处是:颈较细,颈部中央微微收束,颈部向下逐渐加宽过渡为杏圆状下垂腹,曲线变化圆缓;圈足相对较大,或内敛或外撇。这种瓶的造型定型于宋代,历经宋、元、明、清、民国直至现代。Jade pot spring bottle, also known as Jade pot appreciation bottle, is a typical shape of Chinese porcelain. Popular areas are wide and used for a long time. Kilns have been fired in all dynasties since the Song Dynasty. Its shape evolved from the water bottles in the temples of the Tang Dynasty. The basic shape is composed of two symmetrical "S" shapes with graceful and soft lines. The basic shape is skim, thin neck, vertical abdomen and circle foot. It is a kind of bottle with flexible arc as its contour. Its unique features are: thin neck, slightly tucked in the center of the neck, gradually widening the neck down to apricot-shaped sagging abdomen, gentle curve change; relatively large circle foot, or introverted or extroverted. The shape of this bottle was shaped in the Song Dynasty and went through the Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic of China and modern times.

  此瓶是大明成化年制夜光玉壶春瓶,瓶高29cm,底足直径9.8cm,细长颈,鼓腹下垂,圈足。通体白釉,圈足露胎。这种瓶式又可称之为“胆式瓶”“长颈瓶”“鹅颈瓶”“鹅项瓶”等,因为瓶式美好可爱,曲线转折自然流畅,成为自宋代至明清人们倍加珍视的瓶式。此瓶造型简约含蓄,优雅可爱。在宋代为世人所喜爱,不同窑厂如定窑、钧窑、耀州窑、龙泉窑、景德镇窑等竞相烧制,以满足人们的需要。元代及明清时期,这种瓶式都有延续,瓶式的整体都是敞口、细颈、鼓腹,但曲线略有变化,装饰也日渐丰富多样。明代中期以后,玉壶春瓶的造型趋于细腻圆润,优美流畅。明代的玉壶春瓶以青花品种最为常见。主题纹饰常常以云龙、凤、梅、花鸟、缠枝莲等为主要装饰图案。收藏价值极高!Jade pot spring bottle, also known as Jade pot appreciation bottle, is a typical shape of Chinese porcelain. Popular areas are wide and used for a long time. Kilns have been fired in all dynasties since the Song Dynasty. Its shape evolved from the water bottles in the temples of the Tang Dynasty. The basic shape is composed of two symmetrical "S" shapes with graceful and soft lines. The basic shape is skim, thin neck, vertical abdomen and circle foot. It is a kind of bottle with flexible arc as its contour. Its unique features are: thin neck, slightly tucked in the center of the neck, gradually widening the neck down to apricot-shaped sagging abdomen, gentle curve change; relatively large circle foot, or introverted or extroverted. The shape of this bottle was shaped in the Song Dynasty and went through the Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, Republic of China and modern times.










